Jesus was crushed for us. Everything we have done that displeases the heart of God (sin) nailed Jesus to a cross. He died for us knowing that not all would accept His sacrifice. Romans 5:18-21 "Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous. Moreover the law entered that the of light abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
In that crushing Jesus died and came back with resurrection power conquering sin and death. His resurrection power IS the anointing that destroys the yoke. Isaiah 10:27, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."
The anointing is an overflow from the relationship with Holy Spirit. "We overcome by His blood and the word of our testimony," Rev. 12:11.
Every believer walks through trials and our faith will be tested. Trials are part of the crushing to mature us. At some point we must grow past "bottle feeding." We no longer seek the next best inspiring message, prophetic word, teacher, deliverance or blessing to draw us to Him. He becomes the focus. Those who have a hunger and a desire to seek after Him find and sacrifice time to be alone with Him! We seek to be filled with His power to overcome! We hunger for revelation from His word. We ask for His eyes into our hearts. MATTHEW 5:6 "Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Allow God to show you His heart through the power of the eternal Word. HIS anointing overcomes ALL things. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance.You are not too far gone for Him to restore ALL things. I wish I would have understood the crushing 20 years ago. I had a passion and a zeal to preach the word of God but I lacked maturity through the crushing. There was a lot of head knowledge and religious practice. It drowned out my ability to hear the Holy Spirit. The crushing is ongoing and crucifying of the flesh is daily. I embrace the crushing and submit willingly. It hasn't always been that way. Yes, I made bad choices and suffered consequences. Yes, I suffered at the choices of others. It never changed the calling God has on my life. The enemy wants you to believe God can’t use you. The enemy would love for you to walk out in your calling without the crushing. He wants to see you lacking the power and presence of God in your life. He'll distract you with everything and twist even the good to keep you comfortable. He’s twisted a generation of church leaders looking for the applause and promotion of men. I've seen church and denomination begin to fall one after another. I want you to know that what you do behind closed doors, how you treat others, how you do business and carry the name of Christ will be judged. God looks at the heart. God has entrusted you to carry His message with integrity and love. We are responsible for how we lead those God has given us to steward. Steward the gifts God has given you well. Paul was a true apostle. His beginning was quite different from his ending. Saul was murderer but was transformed by the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. God changed his name to Paul and in one touch his eyes permanently turned to Jesus! Through the crushing he was equipped by the Holy Spirit to build up the churches. He wasn't seeking a better place, material possessions or more comfortable circumstances. An apostle sacrifices everything for the cause of Christ and His church. Paul said he was not living for the applause of men and if we was he WOULD NOT be a disciple of Jesus Christ! Paul wasn’t living for a blessing. He was living to die just as Jesus! He went to prison. He was persecuted. He died. How many of you are ready to say yes to that? His circumstances didn't change but his heart continued to be crushed and transformed. Jesus was His blessing! Seeing His church grow and flourish was his mission.
I don’t know what stage of crushing you are in today, but He’s worth it! Stay the course! Stick to plow and don’t look back! Luke 9:62. It’s not about YOU but families, cities and nations ready to be transformed by the power of a living God. Revival ignited in just one heart! Paul was one man touched and transformed through the crushing and his words are still moving and equipping the church!
May we continue to be crushed and walk in resurrection power with the anointing that breaks the yoke of the enemy off ourselves, our families, and relationships. I plead the blood of Jesus over every sin, addiction, stronghold, generational setback, poverty, mental illness, self pity, bitterness, jealousy, pride, religious spirit and fear. May we not seek after ANYTHING this world offers. May our hearts be for Him and for each other.
Articulating what it means to be crushed is difficult as it’s personal to each of us. What is He asking you to do and sacrifice for Him? He loves you. He has a purpose and plan for you. It was never to harm you. It was never His intent that we be separated from Him. He longs to be close to you and speak to you. I pray His goodness and favor draw you back to His heart. Turn away from sin and put your eyes on Him. It doesn’t stop with a prayer of asking Jesus in our hearts. We make Him LORD of our lives. We invite Him to be light into our darkness. John 1:5. The first crushing comes when we make the decision to live and serve Him. It's not a one time decision but a daily "yes." Embrace the crushing!