Without Walls Revival Ministries' purpose is to encourage the global church in genuine and lasting transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Heather brings a simplistic gospel message with practical application. Her humor and relatability easily connect with audiences of all ages. Without Walls Broadcast exists to bring light into darkness through practical teaching and dialogue. Featured guests actively move in partnership with the Holy Spirit to bring others to a saving knowledge of Jesus, bring down walls of religion, demonic strongholds, injustice, and poverty.
We equip believers to live out their faith outside the walls of the church and build a genuine transformational relationship with Jesus Christ. This is done through building relationships and communities of faith in living rooms, discipleship, Without Walls Revival meetings, evangelistic outreaches, conferences and media ministry. Heather’s background is in administration, education, journalism, management, and pastoral ministry. She holds a bachelors degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. She is pursuing a Master's of Divinity (M.Div) from Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
Heather's passion is revival and missions. She enjoys sharing the Word of God both nationally and internationally. If you would like our team to lead a meeting in your living room, church or organization, please e-mail withoutwallsrevival@gmail.com. There are no required offerings or booking fees to cover travel expenses as we rely on God to provide our needs wherever He calls us.
Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.